Welcome to my website and blog. I have two other sites I maintain for more serious purposes. This site, though, is simply a place for me to be me.

When it comes to blogs, someone once remarked that never has so much been written by so many and been read by so few. If you happen to be reading this, congratulations on being one of the very few.

I am now in my seventies. I have spent many years working as a pastor. I have, in early retirement, worked as a healthcare chaplain. I am doing less now, or trying to do less. I was born and bred in Colchester, England, but have lived the vast majority of my life in a number of different places in the United States, and now live north of Atlanta, Georgia. My wife and I have three grown offspring, none of whom live close to us. Having eight grandchildren qualifies me as a patriarch, I imagine to myself.

Feel free to explore the various areas of this website. Comment on my posts or even email me at [email protected] and I shall try to respond.
